CalibrationSettings after calibration

Philips PFT6550 HDTV – picture settings after calibration


Every TV that I review goes through calibration process – sometimes more than one since I often do calibration for movies and games. A few years ago, when 3D was popular, I would do a third calibration to improve picture quality for 3D signals. Today, due to lack of interest among users, I rather take more TVs to review then to spend too much time in doing 3D calibrations that rarely anyone wants to see.

My latest calibration is for Philips PFT6550 – Full HD Android TV that seems to be very interesting due to its combination of advanced Philips picture processing, flat Full HD screen and affordable price. There is also a 3-sided Ambilight technology and Android operating system.

Philips TVs might seem to be easy to setup, but its picture quality almost every time leaves something to be desired. Factory presets are poorly set, with too much processing going on all around the board – from inaccurate grayscale, washed out details, too strong sharpening and too strong motion interpolation. Things are a bit better in Movie and ISF presets, but still you need to have suitable equipment and knowledge to adjust it properly.

You can check my video below with explanation of every control that PFT6550 offers, along with settings which proved to be the closest to the reference values. Even in ISF preset (Day or Night), there are not as many controls as other TVs with ISF/Expert/Professional presets have, so I could not avoid all errors in greyscale or fine-tune color gamut and luminance for each color (since Philips TVs do not have luminance control in Color Management System, only hue and saturation).

Result after calibration:

ISF Day calibrated

You can follow me on YouTube channel TV Calibration with Darko for latest calibrations, tips and calibrations that I publish.


Darko Hlušička

Founder of HD Televizija website. Certified ISF calibrator(Level II). Tech enthusiast since the 90s. Loves movie soundtracks.

Jedan komentar

  1. Postovanje
    Imam problem sa slikom na tom modelu… Javlja mi se neka vodena sjena na rubovima slike prilikom brzih pokreta. (Npr. iznad automobila kada se krece po cesti… )
    Dali se to moze nekako sloziti, odnosno sta se treba iskljuciti/ukljuciti da se to ukloni!?

    Imam jos jedno pitanje, dali su postavke kalibracije iste za npr. osobne postavke?

    Vanja Hrastić – Car

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